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Four Tips for Surviving When you are Broke

dont-go-brokeWhen your bank account is running on fumes and you are feeling the strain of trying to stretch every dollar, it can take a toll on you, your family and anyone around you. The emotional pressure that comes with being broke can be extreme, but you can get through it.
Being broke doesn’t have to last forever. If you learn to handle your money properly and make a few adjustments, you can turn your downtime into something good. In addition, take advantage of benefits in you times of need, they can really help alleviate some of your financial pressures.

Here are a few survival techniques to get you through the next few months:

Set your priorities: Being broke makes it a lot easier to focus on what is really important to you. Take a hard look at your expenses and decide which ones are a must. These should include rent, food, utilities, transportation and medication. You can cut back on everything else.

Make sure all of the important stuff gets paid first. If there is money left over, use it for everything else. Debt collectors can take a number. For now, you need to make sure your family has a warm place to sleep and food on the table.

Pay in cash and save your change: Start paying for everything in cash. Whenever you have any change, toss it in a jar and leave it alone. That change will add up and you may even save enough to head out for dinner or for a splurge on a new pair of trousers.

Paying in cash will make you more aware of how much you are spending.  Most people find it more difficult to spend more when they have cash because they are physically handing money over and can see it disappearing before their eyes.

Find odd jobs: When you’re broke, any extra cash will help. Look for odd jobs you can do around your neighborhood. Offer to mow lawns, paint, make repairs, write resumes or babysit. Use your skills to find a little work on the side, the extra cash will help alleviate a little bit of pressure.

You may also consider selling some of your bigger items for a little extra money. If you are a two-car home, sell one. You really can get by with one car. You may have to tag team but you’ll have a little extra cash in your pocket and save on insurance and gas.

Have fun: Try to set aside a little money in your budget to have a little fun. Your definition of entertainment may have to change drastically, but you still deserve at least a little sunshine. Instead of heading out for dinner and a movie, pack a picnic and head to a park or the beach.

Make a game of finding new things to do that are low cost or free. Explore your town. You may be surprised at the interesting places you missed out on before. Being broke is stressful, make time to have fun and smile and making the other sacrifices will be easier.

Take each day at a time and know that each day you get by and each day you save a little and spend a little less is one day closer to freedom!

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